Posts tagged with: balance RSS
10:54 pm on February 21, 2012 | 0 | # |
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Niat menyeduh sedikit kopi malah tumpah jadi beberapa paragraf resensi

6:44 pm on February 13, 2012 | 0 | # |
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A fellow musician doesn’t install any audio equipment in his car. 0 dB, a pause. As pro, one could expect silence as moment of appreciation.

6:41 pm on February 13, 2012 | 0 | # |
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Mid February: 4 jazz articles already, 3 in the line, with deadlines. Getting fed up? No can’t do. Just go with the less elaborate

10:44 pm on February 3, 2012 | 0 | # |
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6 jazz articles, 5 technical howtos, 2 trips, 1 WordPress plugin in January alone. And I didn’t have the so-called 2012 resolution

4:27 pm on February 1, 2012 | 0 | # |
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My contributed WordPress plugins for playing FreeMind, minor update just now #in

6:08 pm on January 18, 2012 | 0 | # |
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Close itinerary doc, exit GMaps, adjust time zone, & face the traffic!

4:46 am on October 15, 2011 | 0 | # |
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“I don’t do it all. I think doing it all is a myth. But I do know a few tricks” ~Gabrielle Blair, designer & mother of six

4:43 am on October 15, 2011 | 3 | # |
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6 people fill in the gap of income, 3-6 children, no nanny, predominantly work after kids go to bed, how their days look

12:46 pm on October 10, 2011 | 0 | # |
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Underline this: people tweet fewer than 25 a day were excluded from the study. We lost the big picture of the study at this point

12:42 pm on October 10, 2011 | 0 | # |
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From “hungry” to “boss drive me crazy”. Mood swing of tweets posted by 2.4 million people, 84 countries, over 2 years.