It’s when you satiate your hunger by hurting your tongue
”ارتق بكلماتك ولا ترفع صوتك
فالأمطار هي التي تنبت الزهور لا الرعد”
Ulama sejuk yang bilang kalau di akhir hari kita cuma selisih satu pahala, menganjur untuk bersegera pada urusan lain & berpasrah hasil
“The disappearance of MAS Flight 370 reminds us there are places in the world beyond the grid ” | إِلاَّ قَلِيلا
Even losing simplest phone can have tremendous realization effect; you’re victim, caught unaware of evil deed; a natural act, as kindness is
Catalyst participates to then absent in end product. Bringing up conversation this way you need to accept that you’re finally non-existant
You don’t fix a broken white.
Through using, small cracks appear in the skin, slowly forming decor that grows
When it was Einstein against free will; my life is determinism in disguise
“..and one has to wander through all the outer worlds to reach the innermost shrine in the end” ~from Gitanjali, Tagore
..maka boleh jadi ta’aruf lebih baik “@meulia: toleransi tidak mengajarkan apa-apa kecuali saling mendiamkan atas nama kerukunan”