1st time of taking bus to the office this year (for going), yet I can’t judge elapsed time compared to train as Friday-traffic doesn’t count
Notice that this eco class is no longer enticing its emotional blackmail, irritating scene; no more freak show. Or should we need to suffer?
All trains are late, thank God; that I’m 30 minutes ahead of the last available schedule
Nyaris seminggu ini naik kereta pada jam yang acak & tak wajar untuk pp bekerja. Semua perjalanannya bermasalah!
Bojong Gede is a milestone where the engine driver accelerates like crazy, rocking every bench violently
Not taking econo train for quite long. Empty is at this hour; clear view of its freak show. A normal in fail urban
Apakah KRL ber-GPS? Bombardier buatan INKA ada GPS-nya, entah info posisi dikirim-tidaknya http://goo.gl/rEqLe
Last 2 days simulated lesser trains in success, but not imitating what damage over trip time when power down on rehab http://goo.gl/dh6wyr
KRL yang batal selama gardu dibangun http://lakm.us/dpF. 05:50 paling berdampak, 06:40, 07:05. Sorenya volume besar Depok bakal eksodus