Tags: capital, counter productive, Indonesia, internet, obsolete, service, social media, startup company, tech, trouble, Yahoo
This one is too, a memorial battle of our time. Not that we lost just yet.
Tags: counter productive, Indonesia, internet, obsolete, service, social media, startup company, tech, trouble, Yahoo
I’m not-geo-exist, but tt’s sad to hear Koprol shutting down in August, some 11 days after our 67th independence day commemoration
Author byline with picture showing up in Google Search: finally it’s working for my contributed writing http://flic.kr/p/c4w7V9
Tags: apps, community base, language, monetize, social media, socialgraf, tech, web 2.0
How can I not know Wordnik (w♥rdnik)? When dictionary becomes social. When we put meaning to collectively invented words
Tags: art, cons, language, pros, social media, Twitter, URL shortener
Bungkus t.co sering menghilangkan konteks atau sekedar menyembunyikan pilihan nama tautan yang cantik, misalnya lakm•us. #eaa
Substitusi karakter dot “•” seperti @mattkurniawan bikin apps yang tak dukung “display_url” tak membosankan penuh t.co berserakan di mata
Tags: internet, monetize, profile stalking, social media, socialgraf, tech, web 2.0
My to-date topic fingerprint http://flic.kr/p/boeqo5. Find matches by the shape congruence? Most likely “they” already did. #filterBubble
Tags: internet, monetize, polemic, privacy, social media, socialgraf, tech, value shift, values
“…this type of friend finding & matching is important to the industry… rolled out an opt-in for this on our Android client” ~Path CEO