No genuine opinion, serves no dialectic purpose, implies less entropy. Merely copies of copy. #kalei2014
Tags: abuse, affinity, freedom of speech, hype, law, lawsuit, social media
Never think of defamation law as means for upholding reputation when it actually formalizes dislike into crime report, copying repression
Tags: affinity, blog, citizen, counter productive, democracy, election, hype, Indonesia, negative campaign, social media
Yang marhaen preman jalanan, yang sarjana orang udik, yang iman mulut sampah
Tags: affinity, blog, citizen, counter productive, democracy, election, hype, journalism, negative campaign, social media
Litmus test of our time when the medium is the message: 800 thousands hit-spike at Kompasiana ↬@alhono
Tags: election, ethic, fallacy, hype, Indonesia, negative campaign, quote, social media
When suppressing denominator in Signal to Noise fails, we attempt clarity by destructive feedback. It’s how baseless hatred gains backfire
Tags: competition, Facebook, gimmick, hype, marketing, similarity, social media, timeline, viral video
Following Intel Museum of Me & Google+ Auto Awesome, Facebook Look Back is behind yet has wider spread that fits into 5 megs of HD stream
Tags: Facebook, life, perspective, social media, timeline, viral video
Sedikit-banyak @facebook bilang saya juru foto panggung | tak akuratnya identitas maya
Tags: Apple, business, social media, startup company, tech, Twitter
That a cubicle friend told me Topsy had been acquired by Apple with some 200 million valuation still struck me