Mark Zuckerberg! #socialgraf :P RT @AdigunaM: Stlh ditelpon sales cc, skrg ditelpon telemarketer . Ini siapa sih yg ngeshare data gw
Yet grasped #socialgraf, now IP influence RT @jokoanwar: Siapa pengguna twitter paling berpengaruh di dunia? Wew. This is shocking
8:37 pm on August 5, 2010 |
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Tags: Facebook, OAuth, privacy, social graph, social media, tech
Tags: Facebook, OAuth, privacy, social graph, social media, tech
OAuth prevents unprivileged access of social media users #socialgraf. That isn’t the case if the social media owner decides otherwise
Facebook appears to share #socialgraf to Skype (presumably at some cost). Intangible assets, or should I say Assets 2.0