For one who only seats, plays the piano, & likely not preaches over the mike, Chick Corea banned in Stuttgart for Scientology affiliation
Pipa freon yang bocor sempat bikin jantung berdegub kencang khawatir uap panas radiator… yang ternyata hembus adem
Baca Weda baik berupa lontar, kertas, CD, dll. berdoa untuk kesucian dulu. Wanita datang bulan jangan pegang lontar & Weda ↬@mpujayaprema
Soros’ remarks over EU were just about equally the same political bubble: German government on the driver’ seat
India’s slowdown ↬@nkaplish. Return to a path of high growth depends on its politicians -and in the end: its voters
From Idol vote we also learn future disappointment of general election. #random
Colt Sukabumi punya saingan di Berastagi [Lentera Timur]. Jejak adrenalin yang mirip kalau rutin naik Kopaja
The movie 1st or next to the idea? “Tracking bugs with radar may lead to forecasts of thunderclouds”
Similar to @salihara theater: orthogonal bricks orderly slide out of plane. Pixel house Korea