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So, tell me something… Tell me something I don’t know \ You tell me & I’ll tell you
McD the meeting point, but Ron only accepts one company. Should I be jealous to that guy on the bench embraced by him smiling wide?
From Idol vote we also learn future disappointment of general election. #random
Bless the internet; for having two people next to me laugh simultaneously without interacting each other except collided in the gateway
“Foobar” is a slightly different context of “fulan” (not to be confused with vlan). #random
Kue putu, kepul seduhan Toraja Kalosi, dan pegal linu #random
Ah, waham berat rupanya #prihatin ini cuma karena harga telur meringsek naik ke Rp 20 ribu disusul tipis beras
“Gaia”. “Gaea”. Ejaan “Gea” tidak umum digunakan dalam Bahasa Inggris moderen. Merespon Bruno Mars, Udin Gaea terdengar lebih mendunia