“They can be twins?” a foreigner in total confusion over how to tell difference [Hotel Rwanda] http://youtu.be/fcC8NCk82WA?t=1m9s
Name calling has been part of our tradition, either plain rude names or bulls eye racist statement while laughing
“Mana? Udah 7 bulan belum ada juga.. Antek Cina juga lu!” Ki Gendeng usai salaman dengan dicium tangannya oleh pegawai ACE h/w #Bogor
Quit the thread as soon as one consciously spoke the word “nigga” out to denounce opposite figure appearance http://flic.kr/p/bm63FS
@kramput “beberapa” kurang terima dipanggil “Bule”, entah siapa yang beri tahu, dipikirnya itu rasial seperti halnya “Negro”