Not granting permit is safer for local administration, backed-up by #SKB. Usually based on “local community” disapproval
Local consent on sites for houses of worship may not be necessary after revision of joint ministerial decree #SKB 2006
syok “@gm_gm: Dgn segala hormat kpd para pembela hak asasi, saya setuju bila koruptor2 besar dihukum mati. Korupsi merusak sejahat narkoba.”
On the other hand annual #ziarahkubur is local value, jewelry to the originating practice of faith. #localization
@komar_hidayat pluralism promotes tolerance by definition. Just that wasn’t happening by its self proclaimed prominent
“Gnu: Net Neutrality: what does the Google Verizon proposal mean for GNU Linux?” via @gnarccom cc @tifsembiring
But then, “What happens if we leave Afganistan” in bold title for the cover sparked debate
Not relying on a single platform, try my best, but can’t escape the fact that I fully submit to #proprietary Google. Thank God not converted
As if saying that MUI hastily went for the public taste under pressure RT @grielunacy: gue ngga stuju klo kopi luwak dibilang halal!
tidak semua gemakan @ulil dkk, ini gap harapan terhadap MUI secara luas RT @malakmalakmal: Kasus hoax keharaman kopi luwak menunjukkan fakta2 berikut: MUI tdk bodoh, dan @ulil dkk. tdk ada bedanya dgn infotainment.