“Ya udah diulang lagi, adegan zoentjes-nya,” Bung Karno kepada fotografer Frans Mendur http://j.mp/HUGy1o
Dahlan Iskan paripurna, “tapi” saya sempat lihat sisi lain saat cari-cari model kasus perselisihan-hubungan-industrial. Konflik eksekutif
How would you like to hear some president’ 4th full length album when he supposed to perform better in 2nd run instead of the pop chart?
Entah kenapa ingat sihir, lalu hari sesudah teror. Seolah dunia mengitarinya, saya sering dalam orbit tanpa melawan. Lintasan ilfil
Fortunately his majesty was going to Puncak instead of Kemayoran http://lakm.us/ofa #pencitraan
Gamal was concealing his father off reality http://lakm.us/NIe. Being left with no peer advice *edisi pembisik*
If Hawaiian native Tanonaka queries things like “Can you play any Michael Buble?” Yes SBY should attend the interview http://lakm.us/dAQ
Kalau pengakuan kawula adalah vox populi maka … #random
300 kerajaan, ya? Berapa banyak yang sungguhan diakui kawulanya | @saptocondro
Check First Lady just now, then First Son http://lakm.us/BSX handsome quality :) Born same day with me in different city of 3.5 hours drive