Just by death alone, one might forcibly accept, everything they stood for, all well-said arguments, to turn to be absolute fallacy
KaIo tidak sebagai “mabeurang”, relief logo Bumi Sehat ini mungkin sama ofensifnya dengan Botero telanjang http://flic.kr/p/bnaivX
Replika patung Botero yang kini harus bercelana [Sentul Eco Park] #pic
Jangan-jangan mereka juga tidak sedang dapat perhatian; kita cuma sedang ingin nikmati murahnya mengeluh hari-hari
“Agama itu seperti asumsi di matematika, tanpanya ga ada teori yang bisa berdiri” via @novanxyz
When asked where was his mathematics came from, the greatest mathematician ever Ramanujan said, “From my Devi.” [via @shekharkapur ]
“In a nascent field, one study often contradicts another, only to be followed by a third that disputes the first two” ~Gary Stix
Borowitz punchline-nya tak kenal ampun pada figur Sarah Palin, Rick Perry. Seliberal apapun (tak bakal dituntut?) ia hati-hati pilih korban
Here was what LSI Burhanudin Muhtadi commented over muslim youth survey last year http://lakm.us/jgX. Slightly the same biased tone
Kato nearly speaks of the same thing on Indonesia muslim youth http://lakm.us/Hmf. Fundamentalism in contrary to contemporary thinking