My gut feeling was right. It was a problem of Encoding & Line End type. Lesson learned: no monolithic culture ever survives real world #eh
You don’t fix a broken white.
Through using, small cracks appear in the skin, slowly forming decor that grows
The binary consequence of monosyllable reply (“yes” or “no”)
“The digressions of genius are easily pardoned”
Turning only few pages but four annotations already. Yet these had been merely digression chapters. Enjoying not to cut to the chase
Notice that this eco class is no longer enticing its emotional blackmail, irritating scene; no more freak show. Or should we need to suffer?
Waktu: makhluk yang selalu baru “@quicchote: …waktu bukanlah jam, tanggalan, atau kalender; waktu adalah “perubahan”! :)”
Tanpa tamsil-ibarat, dunia cuma tempat yang penuh kucing bunting
“Society at ease with the rich tapestry of human life & the desire amongst people to express their own identity in the manner they see fit”