Aslinya kan ini transliterasi huruf per huruf yang tergantung ejaan bahasa apa? @rio4s Ramadhan != Romadhon
Reply from @gm_gm @rifti Most prophets of doom are dumb.
@gm_gm 1/2 prophet of doom may also perceived as 1/2 smart, while most of the other halves are the other way around, plain dumb
Reply from @gm_gm @rifti Most prophets of doom are dumb.
Fukuyama 1/2 prophet of doom? RT @gm_gm: “Kesalehan sosial bangkrut”, makin mungkin “negara gagal”, ada “krisis karakter bangsa”
And then people conform RT @quicchote: ppl think what they want to think of… that’s what we call framing! ……
Orang dengar apa yang ingin ia dengar, bukan semua yang kedengaran
Because people talk #kopi in glittering conversation, as if it is worth the price, thinkers would sip one shot before ideas spring out
Covering #kopi theme always sounds exclusive, bitter taste accessible only to bourgeois