Posts tagged with: life RSS
12:12 am on August 19, 2012 | 0 | # |
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Readjusting my wake up call alarm. May the new dawn be granted its full blessing for the past is graciously redeemed

12:38 am on August 5, 2012 | 0 | # |
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..with all do respect, some people are physically/literally lame, they need not to be considered unfit to the society they belong to..

12:35 am on August 5, 2012 | 0 | # |
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Whenever some people undermine others for being lame to their standards, somehow Spartan-disposing-baby crosses my mind

5:20 pm on July 11, 2012 | 0 | # |
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The day grew far and dim. The thickening rain retreated. [Romain Collin "Ashes and Snow"

2:18 pm on July 4, 2012 | 0 | # |
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Mencoba hal baru seperti menulis artikel di bangku bengkel. Mungkin tabung refrigerator bertekanan bisa meledak jadi inspirasi diksi. Cesss!

1:03 pm on June 10, 2012 | 0 | # |
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Nose-picking is a basic license feature of a 3 years old

9:59 am on June 6, 2012 | 0 | # |
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[as a fan of fiction] logic & fallacy are loosely intertwined

10:24 pm on May 16, 2012 | 0 | # |
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Pagi Mulia Senayan, siang Studio Alam, malam GKJ Passer Baroe. Ini judulnya optimasi Jakarta

8:02 pm on May 10, 2012 | 0 | # |
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Galliano accordeon juxtaposing Fresu horn is a rewarding experience after a painful op-ed piece. My surroundings revolve slower than ever

8:15 am on May 7, 2012 | 0 | # |
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Kelindan bau tanah basah habis hujan dengan sisa sengat kretek penjaga malam