Hairdo is complicated cc @giovaniharyadi
Sexiest captive alive! RT @NajwaShihab: *pingsan* RT @rakyatmerdeka: Gayus Memang Seksi
Wig: hairpiece covering the head and made from horsehair, human hair, wool, feathers, buffalo hair, or synthetic
Detention: a state of being confined, until the moment of beginning to serve an imposed sentence to a correctional facility or until release
Rather than putting emotionally and physically imperiled women behind bars, Tel Aviv to follow Sweden #crimejohns
Criminalize the demand side of the equation, the johns #crimejohns
Envy @LaF0rge, GNU monk, touring Europe fastlane on BMW F650 two-wheeler. Appearing on court for idea like
syok “@gm_gm: Dgn segala hormat kpd para pembela hak asasi, saya setuju bila koruptor2 besar dihukum mati. Korupsi merusak sejahat narkoba.”
Disiksa & dbui untuk bunuh orang yang ternyata masih hidup. TVOne di bis ini berasa drama inspektur India
Berkat CDR insan telekomunikasi tahu Ade Rahardja bohong. Percaya polisi? Itu lain perkara cc @gm_gm