Probably it’s the other way around: think idiomatically English, then write in mother-tongue, embracing its own idiom. A level of syncretism
fat·sun (Bld) n sopan santun
“There was moxie in this skilled reduction of his task, as if he were expecting to win “Top Chef” with an omelet”
“kleenex” adalah contoh majas pars-pro-toto dalam bahasa Inggris
Bahasa Inggris usia dini: “shake hands” itu bersalaman minus cium tangan
KBBI memuat “koboisme” [ko·bo·is·me n] sementara “cowboyism” tidak dikenal kamus populer sekalipun. Ternyata!
Tanpa tamsil-ibarat, dunia cuma tempat yang penuh kucing bunting
Kue apem berasal dari kata “عفوا” (afwan) yang salah satu artinya adalah maaf (en: “pardon”). #localization
“… speaking French to avoid using the stiff Russian plural form, so impossibly frigid between them, & the dangerously intimate singular”