In the end, even having all the right noises, do I desperately miss the sound of silence?
Baiklah, saya mengutip guru besar Melayu, sahibul hajat festival Malaka dulu di tengah-tengah gerutu profetik Miles Davis
Come.. come.. \ The power of wordsmith with all might \ Channeling all fingers strength \
“Untie the knot in my tongue”
« am a little behind in this year annual #jazz writing-marathon
WSJ uses “Mr” as prefix to surnames, or possibly requires author to do that, aligning style guide [while reading a piece covering jazz]
“Media bias is betrayed by the stories we choose to cover, the order to them, the length we give them, & the perspective we favor” ~Touré
“Ya udah diulang lagi, adegan zoentjes-nya,” Bung Karno kepada fotografer Frans Mendur
Niat menyeduh sedikit kopi malah tumpah jadi beberapa paragraf resensi