Intentional #backdoor via sending hashed model name of DSL router by Sercomm in NetGear, Cisco, etc. ↬ @xecureit
Aksi tuntut UMR di Swiss kumpulkan 120,000 tanda tangan untuk upah bulanan $ 2,600
“Ngeeengg… Ciiittt… Gedubrakkk!!!”
[take 100 adegan bencana transportasi nasional]
Today HTC relayed AFP’s suicides-at-Foxconn-China. If you dare to ask is there ethical smartphone: shades of gray
Masih belum cukup ya, kelapa sawit? \ Apa sih yang namanya cukup? ~Kuntoro
Boyband killer apps: Peterpan 2.0 with code name Noah
“@tigorsiagian: What do you want to know about JP Morgan’s loss but too shy to ask:”
Tree of life bookshelf. Jane Friedman now often reads on her Kindle (Ex-HarperCollins CEO)
The two samples of headphones, the black one has confused orientation of left-right #pic
Thanks to mass made-in-China concept of redistributable blue print, “100% QC passed”, we all have the same typeface of rubber on our feet