Funny that the yesterday’ accident horror also sparked judgmental comments on “headscarf”. Should reality check always begin with WMD?
“Texting behind the wheel: playing god with probability, over who will win the one way ticket out of this world”
She was a troubled woman in a troubled city. The troubled law will make her serve the same years as infamous sandal theft
Setelah baca klarifikasi @nonadita, WordPress memang ada fasilitas “edit comment”. Edit ratusan komentar BlogDetik sampai yang ke-19610?
“@Risputh: What a spoiled brats!” with less teeth & more power. Low taste horror, not even qualified as blockbuster. Yet we’re living it
Dahlan Iskan paripurna, “tapi” saya sempat lihat sisi lain saat cari-cari model kasus perselisihan-hubungan-industrial. Konflik eksekutif