“…with the sounds he dials in, every note is a three dimensional adventure” ~Ernie Rideout
Masih belum cukup ya, kelapa sawit? \ Apa sih yang namanya cukup? ~Kuntoro http://goo.gl/Xx6Xv
“Welcome Earth Song” was NPR song of the day http://n.pr/I0M0KN noting its soul-stirring church service (while Garrett, a devout muslim)
Humaidi Abbas, 56. Traditional poet & minstrel artist of Lampung [stage act isn't exclusively rock star-only] #pic
“..and one has to wander through all the outer worlds to reach the innermost shrine in the end” ~from Gitanjali, Tagore
“The traveler has to knock at every alien door to come to his own…”
Aaron Swartz co-author of RSS, co-founder of Reddit, charged to 50 years for the cause of free data, died by suicide http://j.mp/V0JQaf
Pakubuwono X initials carved on classic cupboard. The ruler prophesied as “rahayu”, considered as the last #pic
The problem of demonizing the whole is to overlook people like Gideon Levy http://ind.pn/S0fU9l . [Interview] ↬@mattkurniawan
Baru ngeh asosiasi kalimat Iwan Fals “kopinya Orang Indonesia” setelah lihat mobil bak terbuka angkut muda-mudi yang kibarkan bendera OI