Under bad economy, “Failure to Launch” is rather a true story nobody won’t laugh at. US Census 2011 household facts: http://goo.gl/2uNz5
“Wealth validates opinion” to Warren Buffet story of calling higher taxes for US super riches http://lakm.us/x1f
Malah ingat tokoh yang sedang digadang-gadang http://lakm.us/r0l. Judulnya ganti kita berpisah di air asin; batas urdu yang ternyata menetap
Black Swan. Stiglitz: but little empirical basis for rare event http://lakm.us/Dyx. Emergency exit plan before not during http://lakm.us/GWP
Why is enough never enough http://lakm.us/ybv. “Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell”
Youth unemployment Yemen 49%, Palestine 38%, Morocco 35%, Egypt 33%, Tunisia 26%. Europe: 30-50%, USA: 25-50% via @umairh
Belakangan ini sangat sering dapat seribuan logam dibanding sebelumnya. Ada apa?
Coba ingat, siapa yang baru belakangan gabung “Bersama”? Melirik pun susah ya kalau sudah minder (alias inferior)
Ada logo “VISA”, ada “Bersama”. Yang belakangan adalah simbol manfaat & eksistensi. Sayang tak seseksi nasionalisme-pornografi
Attended mourning “tahlil”. Unemployment took the youth, apart children-wife, death took place after paralysis, typhus complication