شكر × كفر
Istanbul (38) Cairo (25) Aden (48) Mogadishu (29) for those forcing opinion to deny life & don’t have a clue about appreciating it
To feel constantly under persecution while pointing finger at said media with only 2% audience share is plain self-victimizing
Kini paham kenapa orang-orang baik masih sangat marah pada orang-orang saleh
Been away for a while, not for some freedom fighter cause as Snowden did though http://j.mp/11xCY1P
..or subtly provoking #conspiracy as revealed by Danet “Tucuxi” against the popular minister http://j.mp/14wcFvN
#conspiracy has a different tone when it is written with bold, bitter arguments e.g. Habibie http://j.mp/11eGYcB (by @iwanpiliang )
Murdered after plan to demo peanut-oil fueled engine at Paris Motor Show. [As much as I enjoy fiction, the idea struck me]
Sebagian pernah dengar, sebagian betul-betul menyerang khas isu http://lakm.us/2XM. Cerita Larry Summer sudah dengar KKG mau apa tak di sini
Malah ingat tokoh yang sedang digadang-gadang http://lakm.us/r0l. Judulnya ganti kita berpisah di air asin; batas urdu yang ternyata menetap
Munirstraat in Den Haag, when we hardly acknowledge, refuse to remember “Jalan Munir” http://lakm.us/zz3