« dibesarkan jawaban RPUL & buku Iwan Gayo, tak heran jika berakhir selalu di halaman satu mesin pencari tanpa curiga salah bertanya
It took a while to realize a guy nearby secretly aiming shot to the lady’ breast. It took you longer to weigh action. Then came ignorance
for episode in {1..100}; do echo $FTV_Location | sed ‘s/Yogya/Denpasar/g’; done
AD/ART Texas GOP menolak pengajaran “berpikir kritis” yang cenderung menantang keyakinan mapan & otoritas orang tua http://wapo.st/LCkyL8
Devoutness. Farhadi didn’t shake hands with Madonna when she presented him Golden Globe award, nor with Sandra Bullock at the Oscars
Korban ganda. Kami tak sensitif, maka semua pembicaraan soal rok harus sampai ke telinga Mbak. #pic
Cukai tinggi hambat kreasi lokal. Dominasi pocong, perawan A-Z, figur ngesot. Enakan balik normal dengan monopoli selera? #distraksi
Melihat dua sisi. Menarik garis, posisikan diri. Garisnya satu? Putus-putus atau tegas? Tapi tetap percuma bersikap netral
Information diet. Over-consume news from sources which conform our biases & disregard the rest as propaganda