India’s slowdown ↬@nkaplish. Return to a path of high growth depends on its politicians -and in the end: its voters
The movie 1st or next to the idea? “Tracking bugs with radar may lead to forecasts of thunderclouds”
Similar to @salihara theater: orthogonal bricks orderly slide out of plane. Pixel house Korea
“@shekharkapur: Ven Arjuna’s arrow had already hit the target before it left His bow, how do you describe Time?”
“@mpujayaprema: Di Hindu begitu jadi pendeta harus ganti nama” [apa ini ditemukan juga oleh Coelho saat baca Journey to Ixtlan]
“… je pouvais voir, au fond de ses yeux, le reflet de ma propre beauté.” ~Narcisse, L’Alchimiste
“Tariklah tambang tersebut darinya,” Rasulullah tentang tanah yang semula diberikan pada Abyadh bin Hamal. #khutbah
“Ciri ikhlas adalah selalu mempersembahkan yang terbaik” ~twit #alhijri (2:267, 22:37)
Black Swan. Stiglitz: but little empirical basis for rare event Emergency exit plan before not during