Phising? Why there are posts of “if you’re serious about getting your own business up…” in timeline
Need 64 MB. Upset that my current hosting throttled down memory limit to 48 MB following abuses by people accumulated 2 GB for their webs
July 1986, Fairchild semiconductor closed down Indonesia’ foundry operation while opening its new subsidiary in Malaysia
Y! stock spikes, as Wall Street likes corporate drama of Bartz’s firing over the phone
Revisit Wave & end up with “Lars Rasmussen: Why I quit Google to join Facebook” No, Sidney based Wave to @facebook
RIM layoff notices. Either sign of short aged IT business or won’t find easy replacement for your trackball | @wisnu_wrdn
“Balik modal, untung hingga 100%, cuma di sini,” pandangan orang asing yang pernah diungkap teman, senada survei BBC
“Enterprise Ireland ini BUMN” via @mrshananto. Tambahan lagi BUMN sokong startup (bedakan dengan akuisisi). Indonesia itu super mandiri
Bos bulenya baru saja kasih cuti tambahan 4 bulan lagi untuk urus bayinya. Sekarang siapa yang “kapitalis”?