Quindlen banned from giving speech for her liberal view, yet I can’t find her contesting conservative at protest http://j.mp/1kKKPqJ
Baru nonton rerun & belum lihat apapun itu bedanya dengan hiburan lain. Sejauh ini sudah dengar “Paris Barantai” & “Janger”
For one who only seats, plays the piano, & likely not preaches over the mike, Chick Corea banned in Stuttgart for Scientology affiliation
James Riady, avid evangelical Christian, owner of JGlobe, is also under attack after the paper pro-Gaga-ban editorial http://j.mp/JHED1z
Rafly WaSaja memuat syair pujangga mistik itu ke lirik “Perahu”. Karya Fansuri dilarang atas putusan hakim Nuruddin ar-Raniri (Aceh abad 17)
I’m amazed that Badu’ calmly responded to her ban by respecting local value, that government should protect what the people devoted to
Often times, “Om” syllable is seen transcribed on top of Budjana’ guitar. In accordance with local value, people don’t find this offensive
“Bukan Islam KTP” sounds like contempt to me, undermining @KPI_Pusat through wordplay. http://goo.gl/4G7HM
1 hari tes tayang penjualan jeblok filmnya langsung turun dari layar itu yang bikin kesan rakus, tak memihak | @lalatimothy
Di titik inilah kepemilikan operator bicara. Sudah dilepas, toh? RT @tifsembiring: 92% capex telco dikuasai oleh asing… deleted