We’re en route Hong Kong history with people at most against the jackass & quite an exception of resemblance on the president side
So, tell me something… Tell me something I don’t know \ You tell me & I’ll tell you
Phonegap: in between today’s demand of building apps across multiple platform, keeping away native approach #pic

Kelangkaan Aqua galon ditengarai karena kerancuan satuan volumenya #eaa
For 98% of the time, I lie when hitting: “Yes” I’ve read the license agreement
..don’t judge just yet, my first iOS SIM latch took me 15′ trying to figure out how to detach it!
I could never get a Samsung. I’m creative \ Dude, you’re a barista #satire
Sekalinya baca berita, pas ketemu Inilah vs TribunNews. #framing 180° objek yang sama http://delicious.com/bandono/jakarta+pilkada