AD/ART Texas GOP menolak pengajaran “berpikir kritis” yang cenderung menantang keyakinan mapan & otoritas orang tua
..karena rock itu energi, bukan massa..
Pada tiap festival jazz, aneka selera kita dipersatukan oleh rock! Tak ada rock, tak ada festival
“The fashionable world that hung on to the court with one hand, so as to avoid sinking to the level of the demi-monde”
Everything is 5V except that you do not want to burn your customer’ 4S 0.15A adapter for charging 0.35A powered Tab 2 (which I almost did)
After a month of so-so usage all apps of Tab 2 give “unexpectedly closed”. A wipe will solve that instantly. Lost impression
Judging my SBY-reaction false prediction, that’s just how I lose office-politics with the customer #eaa
Jazz musik ciyus.. Miapah?
“In a tribute, a saffron-flavored soda to mix for cocktails at fashionable Paris bars is branded DSK, a memorable aphrodisiac”
DSK’ secret soirees with lawyers, judges, police officials. Started with fine meal, ended with naked guests & orgies