One famous influencer got me to read psychological research over whistle blowing. Manning’s hype comes to my surprise the next day
Music in Arabic struggles against suppression & erasure, while Hebrew struggles against atrophy & whitewashing
define emotional blackmail: an infant kitten crying out in hunger with still closed eyes
“Silinder kaca dalam tas persegi itu bukan lensa, Nak. Itu botol tampung tetes air susu Ibumu” #random
Welcome to Heathrow (please surrender your hard drives, USB sticks, etc.) #pic
Source: via Arif on Pinterest
Kemempelaian TNI dengan rakyat. Kris Biantoro istilahkan begitu saat cerita Ismail Marzuki; ternyata yang dibayangkan adalah BKR, TKR lampau
“growing old with you” adds another aspect of “growth” in the bridegroom future life
Klasik adalah engkoh-engkoh pakai singlet swan