Tinkered EDC Twitter client sending over GPRS by @matseng http://twitpic.com/721k9u. Swipe to retweet?
They’re swapping prisoners. We’re swapping ministers. #localization
A mansion, “Biker Babe Ave” street sign up front. Matic scooter drove in; babe’ imagination of the proud uncoiled manhood abruptly downsized
Ahead of banking, telco keeps every single cent behind the charging machines when banks round to the nearest tenth ~TM Forum
SMS, call, & internet at zero price, who’s paying the cost? Telco alters the way it used to monetize from core operation
It saves the industry, but not the music. We’re not talking about making a fortune, make a living still is; the central topic
But seriously, we do have a problem of nett-import when it comes to every slices of bread or that humble instant noodle http://goo.gl/Xpf29
Oatmeal adalah konspirasi Barat untuk membuat bangsa kita lemes bahkan sebelum masuk jam 11! #eaa