Not relying on a single platform, try my best, but can’t escape the fact that I fully submit to #proprietary Google. Thank God not converted
@ratihputri It doesn’t ve to be BB RIM just like it doesn’t ve to be Twitter. Why fully submit ourself to a single #proprietary platform?
Lets stick with verified & not temptd to validate :P RT @saptocondro: Eigen values don’t tell anything. Or my model is wrong from beginning.
Pacing up #thesis most likely means less logging. Relying on tacit knowledge in the future when previous work must be revisited
RT @jokoanwar: Pemilik bioskop kalo mo nayangin film luar mesti beli. Kalo film lokal, gratis. Makanya film lokal sebusuk apapun ditayangin.
tidak semua gemakan @ulil dkk, ini gap harapan terhadap MUI secara luas RT @malakmalakmal: Kasus hoax keharaman kopi luwak menunjukkan fakta2 berikut: MUI tdk bodoh, dan @ulil dkk. tdk ada bedanya dgn infotainment.
Life has been so generous after-all. #thesis
Make peace with the past. Neural network isn’t that trivial, I manage to have adequate results through compromise. #thesis
Pendidikan anak usia dini :D RT @Risputh: Ni bocah TK sumringah amat liat video clip Cinta Laura ‘Love Needs Money’ sambil cekikikan, trs blg “cantiknyaa!” Hahaa