I’ve been “faithful” to Windows Mobile for like 5 years. This has been my 4th & I see no reason why I should “swing”
Mungkin @ayatquran gunakan Zekr http://zekr.org/ untuk mudahkan riset
I can’t believe I filtered serial tweet with regexp `cat tweet | nl | sort -nr | more | awk -F ‘[0-9]‘ ‘{print $2,$3,$4}’ > tweet`
John Adams Twitter employee presentation stream http://lakm.us/nPQ, while scrolling through its pdf version. Operations behind whale #fail
@TheRealBayu so our tailor comes up with Pentaho BI as an alternative sewing kit
Proxy ikut environment, bukan ikut #IE, misalnya chromium pakai /usr/bin/gnome-network-properties #googlechrome
Fren Mobi is using OpenDNS. Lookup the SPAM EasyFollowers.com & browsed directly to Unreachable gets you Mandiri Pensiun ads.