Tags: features, privacy, release, social media, socialgraf, Twitter
Tags: community base, crowd sourcing, localization, public transport, similarity, social media, socialgraf, train, Twitter
A San Francisco version of Jabodetabek @krlmania: @caltrain. Commuter crowd sourcing on newly launched #TwitterStory http://goo.gl/V7Z19
Don’t let your Google+ go idle. Social media reach “Ripples”, the next big thing in visualization. #infographic i.e. http://goo.gl/evXVd
Tags: hype, Indonesia, infographic, policy, politic, presidential, socialgraf, Twitter
We’re so hilarious about reshuffle! Indonesian tweets over the night in wordle #infographic
Tags: behavior, monetize, social media, socialgraf, Twitter, web 2.0
“80% of Twitter engagement is link clicking, while the remaining 20% is Retweet/Tweet” ~Bain via @FortuneMagazine http://lakm.us/Ttq
When bandwidth is totally throttled, Tweetdeck v0.33 will fail to push “in reply to” #socialgraf reference while tweet posted successfully
Jargon #socialgraf: 8 bulan lalu akun resmi pejabat hapus twit kontroversi. Percuma sudah diacu 9 twit, belum terhitung RT isi
Deleted tweets aren’t missing from #socialgraf. Reply or retweet may keep circular reference to them. Is this consistent?
In the heyday of del.icio.us we had Tag, now we have Like. They are nothing but meta of sharing in #socialgraf
Twitter berulang kali ubah rilis. Saling hubung node #socialgraf beda dulu vs sekarang. Status yang dihapus dulu malah bisa dilihat