1 vs 0: Fladeo keluaran anyar ukuran 41 vs kecoak turunan lawas ukuran 25 mm
AD/ART Texas GOP menolak pengajaran “berpikir kritis” yang cenderung menantang keyakinan mapan & otoritas orang tua http://wapo.st/LCkyL8
We’re en route Hong Kong history with people at most against the jackass & quite an exception of resemblance on the president side
Blasphemy is to be punished with … (The Book of Leviticus) #pic
“A protest, but here, it’s religious in nature. Who else can we trust in if the state itself is carrying out crimes?” http://j.mp/TSh481
Ternyata “Oi!” pun punya asosiasi lain dalam topik musik kelas buruh. Disambiguasi Wikipedia memuat lebih dari 10 tautan terpisah tentangnya
What’s with Merkel and Jakarta traffic? Doesn’t she know, as German did long ago, Jakarta no longer grows mustache? http://bit.ly/N5qVpB
Saudi? Saudi civil unrest! Atypical look inside a nation relatively unaffected by the Arab Spring, late Tuesday http://j.mp/P1xPMg