From wig & tennis court to mining takeover by British listed hedge fund Heavenly earth of conspiracy theorists
Hairdo is complicated cc @giovaniharyadi
Sexiest captive alive! RT @NajwaShihab: *pingsan* RT @rakyatmerdeka: Gayus Memang Seksi
Wig: hairpiece covering the head and made from horsehair, human hair, wool, feathers, buffalo hair, or synthetic
Detention: a state of being confined, until the moment of beginning to serve an imposed sentence to a correctional facility or until release
Oversee television on the bus, showing footage of past scandal. Media really gets its revival
Anang jual, KD beli.
Search company profile malah menclok di tautan Ini rupanya salah satu sismin itu?
Sweeping ramadan datang terlalu cepat @illiandeta Stlh Tama dibacok, smalam sktr 20-22.00, mobil wakil koord ICW Adnan dipecah kacanya & diambil tasnya di komplek kejaksaan.
Hotma Paris lebih bonafid (jago) daripada OC Kaligis