Jeane Phialsa drummer jazz band Starlite sedang dikasih slot solo di @whatsonANTV, iringi Setia Band
Though it seems that my timeline is English-intensive, bahasa•kemdiknas•go•id is my most visited site. #KBBI
“@mpujayaprema: Di Hindu begitu jadi pendeta harus ganti nama” [apa ini ditemukan juga oleh Coelho saat baca Journey to Ixtlan]
Writing your own SNMP MIB by chance? My practical hints of simplifying the task: #in
Ketimbang “katanya”, saya lebih pilih “konon”, agar tak jadi pembual, melainkan pendongeng belaka @quicchote
Death links in my bookmarks. One of the reason why URL reference in academic work is highly discouraged. On the other hand I must give Wiki credits for serving quick know-how and most of the time: in-depth knowledge.