“The digressions of genius are easily pardoned”
“They can be twins?” a foreigner in total confusion over how to tell difference [Hotel Rwanda] http://youtu.be/fcC8NCk82WA?t=1m9s
“These days in Europe, a great number of bands play jazz without a trace of an American accent”
Iman sains tak perlu goyah karena soal kenyataan meleset, sebab ragu adalah rukunnya
Bila ternyata cuma ada satu Sophiaan-Widyawati atau Habibie-Ainun untuk tiap generasi, maka mulailah menghitung mundur
“Economist always relies on first-best analysis –like that simple post– yet, we’re often dealing with 2nd or 3rd best institution”
Sedikit placebo, roti baik-sebelum-13, & pak sari kacang hijau yang habis dalam 10 seruput adalah tak pernah terlalu berlebihan
Notice that this eco class is no longer enticing its emotional blackmail, irritating scene; no more freak show. Or should we need to suffer?
“There was moxie in this skilled reduction of his task, as if he were expecting to win “Top Chef” with an omelet”
“The traveler has to knock at every alien door to come to his own…”