What’s behind the “Thought Experiments” is far more intriguing as it suggests the process giving rise to beliefs. http://goo.gl/HKX7j
It’s damn easy to become a moral relativist when you only need to answer one question: http://goo.gl/GVKc9 [experimental]
Perception can get overrated however. The gap of “hearing” tweets before actually hearing the person’ voice, fails the imagined person
Tweets seem audible to me, as if each is 140 verbal expression. Throaty @sudjiwotedjo, laid-back tone of @wimar, considerate @komar_hidayat
@iimfahima kita cukup tahu “amok” misalnya, tapi sungguh tak perlu terjebak self-fulfilling-prophecy (re: konon kita mudah dikomporin)
But then, I’ll never find my-persona-similar by not knowing to which general-character-set do I belong
Denial: I never trust generalize character-sets. Outliers lied within ourself.
I usually skipped such advertised-test, well this one is cool enough to group me into both actual & fiction figures of INTP-known-persona
Just did ±15 minutes personality test from mypersonality.info . My verdict was http://lakm.us/kpp : I belong to INTP