Imagined auto-bots transforming #bumblebee #pic
..then lies real truth: this is low trust society. When trust makes room for less alert, we’re in that densely occupied corner sleepless
..the thing is then, hypno-tainment —on purpose, with conscience— is likely fabricated. Plastic truth..
We dare —even liking the idea— truth to slip out in hypno-tainment without conscience, so that we could care less on face to face apology
…ada portmanteau “tragicomedy”; yang ini tragis sungguhan, asli lawakan
Jauh hari di radio Parto mematenkan “daripada yang mana”, satir gaya bicara pejabat Orba. Tapi sekali tembak TV nasional konyol memang
Between Boy George and George Michael, a Royal George won’t hurt the entire Brit pop bizzare scene
You don’t just apply any cut to batik for being casual or else it flows awfully with the line. Most dresses are failing in this category
Gemas bolak-balik baca ش ditulis latin dengan “sh” ala transliterasi “Barat”. Kenapa tidak tulis Gaddafi atau Anouar sekalian?