Y! stock spikes, as Wall Street likes corporate drama of Bartz’s firing over the phone http://lakm.us/vAF
“Bulan bulat penuh sudah. Saatnya raih kemurahan diskon” #satire
Yang paling siap hadapi bulan puasa adalah Multivision. Sudah jauh hari menghitung mundur, stripping
People are in debt to pay tuition fee. Which job earned after worth the balance? http://lakm.us/hBl (What then you owe for true education?)
“Balik modal, untung hingga 100%, cuma di sini,” pandangan orang asing yang pernah diungkap teman, senada survei BBC http://lakm.us/30R
However @facebook has been busy stalking its users by putting plenty of “?ref” references in every link button