12:45 pm on September 16, 2010 |
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Tags: government, Indonesia, Lebaran, public service, public transport, regulation
Tags: government, Indonesia, Lebaran, public service, public transport, regulation
Sebenarnya karena tak paham tuslag jadi #anehsaja
8:55 pm on September 10, 2010 |
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Tags: cons, counter productive, Lebaran, question, traditional
Tags: cons, counter productive, Lebaran, question, traditional
*tersedak nastar nusuk aqua gelas, berpikir topik pengalihan, beraninya ini orang* @quilalavida: Jadi kapan nyusul (mati)??
8:15 pm on September 10, 2010 |
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Tags: cons, counter productive, Lebaran, question, traditional
Tags: cons, counter productive, Lebaran, question, traditional
Tentu saja mudah bagi saya bilang begitu (nikah & anak). Sayangnya belum ada yang berani tanya kapan nyusul mati
Supposed to be a gentle reminder of death, but fashion parade contrasting #ziarahkubur as grand life celebration
Practice of restraint (imsak) in Ramadan, chances of kindness (ihsan) in Mudik #localization