Fresu 5et is scheduled to perform at GKJ (Wed, 16 May) Quintet expands his diverse form of ensemble
While Botti took over the jazz scene –former sideman to Sting, Italian trumpeter, appealing α-male– your radar should spot Paolo Fresu
Herbie’s Batik in contrast with the jazz cats in suits. @T_Blanchard photos of International Jazz Day ↬ @wartajazz
30 April ’12 marks the celebration of the first International Jazz Day An art form of myriad possibilities
“Tasawuf itu jazzy. Jazz itu Sufistik!” ~Emha Ainun Nadjib [Cak Nun] ↬ @candramalik
In the historical recording “Sunday at the Village Vanguard” where no central image existed, LaFaro was panned hard to left; Evans right
Badu seen next to Stevie Wonder at a lite after-hours jam session, less than a week after her ban in Malaysia #pic