From wig & tennis court to mining takeover by British listed hedge fund Heavenly earth of conspiracy theorists
Disiksa & dbui untuk bunuh orang yang ternyata masih hidup. TVOne di bis ini berasa drama inspektur India
It is easy to fall for conspiracy theory when you’ve had Rhani hand job & pro assassin led to many scenes directed to anti graft officials
Berkat CDR insan telekomunikasi tahu Ade Rahardja bohong. Percaya polisi? Itu lain perkara cc @gm_gm
Sekali lagi: menolak CDR milik polisi berarti menolak ketidakberadaan Chandra Hamzah di Pasar Festival cc @gm_gm
Sekali lagi ini “tape” apa “record” RT @jakpost: Paper: Police must explain lies about tape, say experts |
@gm_gm Polisi tak punya hak sadap, CDR literally Call Record, pernah ada yang bilang Voice Record? Percakapan terjadi. Kriminal? Tak tahu
We put high expectation on police law enforcement achievement. This revealed-CDR-dispute will still be the case where they fail to meet ours
No hard evidence on what the conversation was, but people’d perceive uncanny deeds of Ade Rahardja, state official lying | @TodungLubis
Then again CDR proved Chandra Hamzah whereabout, hence also proved Ary-Ade likeliness of knowing each other, pleaded as not by Ade Rahardja