#fokesip ! #fokeyou ?
Seorang ibu di lapangan mengajari anaknya (masih SMP?) naik motor. Surga di telapak kaki ibu*. *syarat dan ketentuan berlaku
McD the meeting point, but Ron only accepts one company. Should I be jealous to that guy on the bench embraced by him smiling wide?
When you say: gifted-hands, accepting privilege. Ade Irawan – Agam Hamzah “Concierto de Aranjuez” http://youtu.be/_e9Bt_6ZGq8?t=6m17s
Konvoi tadi bak menantang minta dipercepat dikirim ke surga. Sayangnya saya tak benar-benar yakin akan sampai di mana jika bantu percepat
..with all do respect, some people are physically/literally lame, they need not to be considered unfit to the society they belong to..