Bila ternyata cuma ada satu Sophiaan-Widyawati atau Habibie-Ainun untuk tiap generasi, maka mulailah menghitung mundur
“…with the sounds he dials in, every note is a three dimensional adventure” ~Ernie Rideout
Pulsating breaths of electronic sampling & the human element that gives life to it: Scott Kinsey’ trance work
..he then referred me to another economist op-ed (also residing abroad & happened to be from the same senior high)
“Economist always relies on first-best analysis –like that simple post– yet, we’re often dealing with 2nd or 3rd best institution”
Beef: what went wrong with protection & self-sufficiency? Stumbled upon & asked fellow economist: That simple?
Sedikit placebo, roti baik-sebelum-13, & pak sari kacang hijau yang habis dalam 10 seruput adalah tak pernah terlalu berlebihan
« am a little behind in this year annual #jazz writing-marathon
Notice that this eco class is no longer enticing its emotional blackmail, irritating scene; no more freak show. Or should we need to suffer?
All trains are late, thank God; that I’m 30 minutes ahead of the last available schedule