Mengular ke kucur keran, sahut tuter & timbul-tenggelam gaung pengeras suara. Di benak yang sibuk & bibir yang sepi tuhan seolah menghilang
Harga-harga Pasar Johar: hati sapi 2600, has bistik 2400, tetelan 1500 #pic *lawas tapi sudah jaman EYD*

NSA and PRISM on your tail? How about #Pi access point + Tor for the rescue
Revoked & repeat granting access for my lakm•us apps to push here. Again, hope now it works with new API…
Re-auth my lakm•us apps to push here. Hope this works… Otherwise I’d suspect censorship as no breaking-change announced
Failed to post, API or censorship? Let’s see here …
Been away for a while, not for some freedom fighter cause as Snowden did though
On the street, Blue Man Group is rather a genre when plumbings meet a complete crew of compact band making noises instantly the same way
• akua • mijon • echo to-the-max of busker’s minus one •
Jadi kretek itu tembakau etis?