… cahaya di atas cahaya
“He was soon aware that there was springing up in his heart a desire for desires—ennui” [Alexey regained conciousness]
“…the mistake men make in picturing to themselves happiness as the realization of their desires” [Alexey thinking]
“…all the same color for which no one has a name—a color somewhere between gray & charcoal that is no color at all”
Muka air mengintip tenang lewat penggalan tanggul yang belum selesai. Diam sejurus menunggu pasang
【Latuharhary, Januari】
…not until when picture is a heresy, verbal recital couldn’t survive visual imagery
Exhaustive work of miniaturists in Pamuk’s book and of illuminators in Eco’s. World of depiction surrounding sacred text…
Cerita sukses terminal selalu pada bayangannya. Gelap.
Sebab rancangan tak pernah terang berpihaknya pada penumpang
Menyaksikan amplop lipat dua, semula dititipkan ke pengasong rokok, berpindah tangan ke pengendara motor berseragam. Terminal gelap aman
December. I can’t help but winning the combat of yesterday, tomorrow