07:07 lewat beberapa saat barusan 19:19
Tele vs Strat? “@wartajazz: Mike Stern dan Eric Johnson kolaborasi perdana dalam “Eclectic” http://wp.me/p1QAYy-6kt”
hysteresis • traditional rāga recognizes scales that climb different notes from the way they go downward
Kok, ramainya orang-orang ini seperti lupa sama sekali dengan pidato kebudayaan di TIM lalu?
Di pangkas rambut dewasa-anak: top’s collection modelnya, #banghaji filemnya. Krim minyak brisk?
Escaped one refurbished TOEI 6000 only to be trapped seeing another. I refuse to sweat in any facelifted rolling stock with foolish nose
“But this war is slowly killing our humanity without a shot ever being fired at us” Increasingly, however, shots are fired
Imagined auto-bots transforming #bumblebee #pic

The power to live the fullest with only half hemisphere of a brain http://j.mp/1vx2vv5
“ndaskeleng”, “cicing”, “nani” di Utara bahasa keakraban, di Selatan umpatan terhina ↬@mpujayaprema