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Posts Tagged ‘php’

URL Shortener From Yourls (1)

We can self-hosted URL Shortener service. I tried open source php-based URLShort and Yourls. I later choose Yourls. Both of course based on .htaccess manipulation (mod_rewrite of Apache must be enabled). I install Yourls in side http://my.web/somedir. To make my short URL to use something like http://my.web/xGf12 instead of http://my.web/somedir/xGf12, I run the regular install [...]

Embed Tag Cloud (In Other Than Sidebar)

I try to embed WordPress tag cloud to the header part of the theme. Tag print is called from wp_tag_cloud(‘smallest=8&largest=16′). One example would be by inserting that function in this part of header.php of the corresponding theme: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 <div class="header"> < ?php if (is_home()) : ?> [...]

Write WordPress Plugins to Play Freemind Mind-Map File

The first version main goal is to embed the *.mm file which is a Freemind file. I found similarity of embedding this kind of file in flash-video-player plugins (I used version 3.1.8). So, I tried to reverse engineer by mind-mapping how it works first and how to hook plugins to WordPress. Here is version 1.1 [...]

MicroBlogger Add Search Feature (1)

This is mainly about view of custom search page (not about searching itself). Adding “Search” To Main Link Tabs Changes to file under /app/omb/plugins/ wp.php security.php In wp.php: Adding $links[’Search’] = $request->url_for(’search’); between ‘Personal’ and ‘Profile’ would bring out the ‘Search’ tab in main link-tabs. In security.php Adding function security_init() { … $request->connect( ‘search’ ); [...]

Configuring Cacti

A successful installation in a LAMP system may require more library. I added php5-cli to enable php through command line i.e $ /usr/bin/php , libphp-adodb, php5-snmp. In localhost snmpd is installed and configured /etc/default/snmpd: SNMPDOPTS=’-Lsd -Lf /dev/null -u snmp -I -smux -p /var/run/snmpd.pid’ and edit /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf to have: com2sec readonly  localhost         <some community string> Install [...]